Wichita County History Volume 2 Index References

- Hf-Hz -

Hi-Plains Enterprise

Hi-Plains Motel

Hi-Plains Motel and Restaurant

Hi-Plains Shriners

Hickey: Earl

Hickman: Tamara

Hickok: Bill

Hicks: J. R.

Higgins: Bud, Cy, Elizabeth (Wewer)

Hilary: George K.

Hilburn: Isabel

Hilda: M./Sr.

Hildenbrand: Kathleen

Hill: Faith, Mary Ann, Matilda (Kohl), Shauna

Hillard: Judy

Hillary: Fern (Button), Frederick

Hillery: Vivian

Hilltop Apartments

Hilton: Anna, Cynthia, Dick, Wendel

Hines: Donna (Atkinson), Rev.

Hinson: B. G.

Hinthorn: Edith

Hinton: Orvan, William H.

Hipp: Hattie

Hirth: Baylee, Jerry, Kendra (Sonderegger)

Hitchins: Ella

Hixon: S. V.

Hoar: Dora B.

Hoard: Elmer, Joyce, Mabel, Robert L.,/Bob

Hobbs: Noah, Waunita (Hall)(Annler)

Hobson: Howard, Joan, Melba (Stiles), Richard

Hoch: Robert/Dr.

Hockensmith: C. A./Chet

Hodgson: Michael/Dr., Elaine (Graff), Jared, Jennifer

Hoffman: Grace, Harold/Rev., Jay, Michael

Hoisington: Pearl (Greenawalt), Roy A.

Holden: Beatrice, Carrie, Dan, Florence, Harriet, Harris, Hiram, J.M./Jim/James M./James McAllaster, Mercedes/Mrs. Jim (Davis), Steve, William

Holden Ranch

Holderman: Mr.

Holland: Audrea, Billy, Dennis, Harry C. Jr., J. H., Lula (Harkness) (Geyer), Naomi

Holler: Gerald, Mary (Ehret)(Cook)

Holliday: John H./Doc

Hollister: Albert, Alice Rose, Cora (Gorsuch), Irma, Ross/R. E., Roy

Hollister: Ross Hollister Agency

Holloway: Ronald

Holm: Duane

Holman: Jayne, Kristin, Olga, Sondra, Thelma (Mathes), William/Bill, William Jay/Jay

Holmes: Anaclare, Bess/Bessie (Dunn), Billy, Bryant/Bryant H., Burton E., C. J., Carol, D. H., E. C., Eleanor, H. B./Henry B., Joan, Mabel, Marjorie, O. A./Orin/Orin A., Olga (Spitzer), Paul, Vida

Holmes Mercantile Store

Holopirek: Bonnie (Geyer), McKayla, Morgan, Rudy

Holstein: Albie (Daniel), Alex, Alfred H., Alma, Amelia, Andrea, Duane A., Esther, Freda, Gary, Henry, Janice (Piland), Joanna (Wing), Johannes, John, John Jr., Karissa, Katherine, Leona, Lydia, Marie (Goerlitz), Nellora/Mrs. Alex (Warrington), Peter

Homan; Abigail/Abby, Allison, Anne (Goering), Ashleigh, Cassandra/Cassie, Debra, Donna (Wacker), Gussie June/June (Mayo), John, Justin, Kacie, Kelly, Marc, Mary, Matthew/Matt, Norman J./Jack, Paul, Roger, Wendy (Fowler), Whitney

Honeywell: A. D., Bert, Charles H., Delia (Wing), Fred, Marilla (Wing), Samuel W.

Hood: Robert/Rev.

Hooker: Barbee, Cletis, Dorissa, Eleanor (Fleagle), Ernest, Forrestine/Frosty, Jack, Jean, Jennifer, Jeremiah, Jerry, Joshua, Julie, Kenneth A., Lindsey, Lura (Allen), Maggie, Michael, Norman/J. Norman, Ruth (Huff), Ruth (Van Dyke), Sally (Wensch), Sonja/Sunny, Timothy

Hooker: Norman Hooker Tax Service

Hooper: Aaron, Melvin H.

Hooper: Aaron Hooper Jewelry

Hoopes: Mr., Robert L./Bob

Hoover: Annabelle, Bud, Floyd, Herbert, Robert G., Ruth

Hopkins: Barbara, Dan, Debbie, E.E./Erastus E., J.P., Joe, Mr., Robert Dean

Horn: G. O./Dr.

Hornish: Eva, Nellie (Fearing), Roy

Horton: Glenn, Ken

Hoss: Addie, Anna Mary, Bertha, Bessie, Clara (Mock), Edith (Hayden), Emeleana, Ethel, Frank, Hattie Elizabeth/Lizzie, Jacob, Jacob Jr., Lora, Mable (Russell), Mike, Nellie, Rena, Verna

Hotel Vendome

Houghtaling: Duane

Houghton: Deborah

Houk: Mildred

Howard: Betty, Dorothy, Glen L., Patricia, R. S., Theresa, William E.

Howell: F. M.

Hubbard: Carter, Dean, Edith (Schwindt), Eldon, Erma, George, J. S., Leon, Lois, Lola, Mabel (Clark), Marilyn, Nona, Opal, Russell, Sidney, Vernon

Hubbs: Dale, Retha (Ray)

Huber: Bradley, Darcey (Dickey-Mai), Fred, Matthew, Nicole

Huddle, The

Huddleston: Alma, Orville

Hudson: Dale, Dave, Deone L., Paul, Pauline

Huelsmann: M. Donna/Sr.

Huff: Billie (Elder), Ruth, Wayne

Huffman: Elizabeth (Kohl)

Huggins: Dale, Elaine, Forman, Lucille

Hughes: Charlene, Charles/Charlie, Deb, Dustin, Harvey D., John, Mary Lee (Wonsetler), Tim

Hulett: Gary J.

Hull: Evelyn/Evie (Heim), George, John, Larry, P. D., John/Rev., Steve

Hulse: W. E.

Hulsey: Beth Ann

Humble: Dwight, Phyllis, Shirley

Hunt: Arthur W., Bart, Bert/Bertys, Bill, Bret, Gail (Wimmer), Marsha, Opal, Pearl (Sadler)

Hunter: W. H.

Hurd: Cassius

Huser: Stephanie

Hutabarat: Tim/Rev.

Hutchings : Sheila

Hutchins: C. T./Pete, Don, Dona, Mabelle (Murphy), Mary Lou, Paula, Roberta/Bobbie

Hutchison: Lloyd, Lloyd Jr., Mrs. Lloyd/Doris

Hutton: Tamyra L.

Hylton: Richard

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